We picked up some cool facts that we got from the National Geographic Almanac 2010!
Here are some of the Facts we learned:
-Killer Whales are a type of Dolphin
-You smell better through your right nostril than your left
-You yawn to cool down your brain cells
-The Sand Cat is the Wild version of the Domestic Cat (They used to Sandcat to breed to get domestic Cats)
-The Word Nerd first came from a Dr. Suess Book
-Some cars can Run on used French Fry oil
-Theodore Roosevelt had more than 40 pets in the white house including
12 horses, 5 guinea pigs 5 bears a zebra and a lion!
-Abraham Lincoln was the Tallest US president and a little girl convinced him to grow a beard.
We hoped you enjoyed these cool facts!
This Is Neko and Teko signing out!
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