I love J-ello! Do you love J-ello?
J-ello is way better than Cheese!
My fave type of J-ello is Rainbow J-ello because It is 4 flavors in one!
I don't like using - so I am just going to say Jello instead of J-ello!
Jello looks better than J-ello!
Today's top Story, We stuck to the neighbor hood stuff for a while!
"Mmmm, Today I feel Like Jello with whip cream on top!" Teko said.
"Then Lets go to The Jello Mellow factory!" Neko suggested!
"We are the Mellow Jello's bringing this to you, super artificial colors poisonous to fou...." Teko sang outloud. "You don't need to sing the theme song!" Neko interrupted. "What is fou anyway?" Teko asked. "I looked it up, It means Drunk!"
Neko said.
(http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/fou) So, We went to the Factory.
Lots of Jello!
"Oh My googles!" Neko gasped. "No, It's the Blue Guy. And the Sand Wich guy!" Neko added. "They are drunk!" Teko added. "Come on Let's get rid of them!" Neko chimed in. "Would you like some jello?" We asked them. They took the jello and died, then came alive 15 minutes later. By then we were outta there and guess what. We were sitting and eating rainbow Jello!
Ps. If you find the Fou (aka Drunk people) Give them some Mellow Jello!
This IS Neko and Teko reporting from The Mellow Jello rainbow Jello section of the Factory!
We are the Mellow Jello's bringing this to you, super artificial colors poisonous to fou!
Fou is a real word Just go to http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/fou
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