Fact: This book may become a movie between 2010-2013.
The Book is first of 5. Written by James Patterson.
Her Full name Is Maximum Ride. She's 98% Human 2%Bird. But who knew 2% could have such a huge impact. She can fly. She's not the only one. She lives with other 5 kids: They call themselves the Flock. But, They are not safe. They used to live at a lab called the School. They were tortured. Now they are wanted back. They are being chased by a group of Mutants called the Erasers, (Half Man half wolf Like Were wolfs) The Erasers captured one of the Flock: Angel. Angel or better known as Specimen 11. Is important somehow....
The Story has many twists. When Jeb who was like a father to them, who helped them break out of The school, he disappeared thinking that he was dead. Turns out they have been betrayed.
This Story is amazing! Its a page turner. You won't want to put it down...Seriously.
Strap yourself in for the Thrill Ride you'll want to take again and again! Thriller-Sensation James Patterson, America's favorite storyteller with over a million books in print, Invites you on a quest of nonstop action, adrenaline, mystery, and suspense. ~From the back of the book.
If you have a chance this is a great March Break read.
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