Watch the trailer! Doesn't it look awesome. The Basic Story Is That Edward Leaves and Bella and Jacob fall in (Love) Are you a Team Edward or Team Jacob? I like Jacob better! For My School, Today is a PA Day! WHOO HOO! Anyway, I found some more New Moon pics for you Fans! Plus: If you don't like Twilight (What's wrong with you?)
Have a Happy New Moon Day :) NEW MOON ROCKS!
i like edward better
ReplyDeleteI don't like Twihlite becus it's about vampirs and making them seam like a good thing.
ReplyDeleteWell, Also Mewtwo. In Twilight, Edward (The Vampire) realizes it's bad, so, he tries to be good. It shows you that even someone may be someone bad, (Realated to crimmanl etc.) That doesn't mean they have to be that way! Plus, Please learn to spell!
ReplyDeleteThat comment is not me, Neko. I leave annoying comments under my own name; not annomynous!!!!!!!!