This is Neko and Teko reporting from the North Pole where Penguins and polar bears and beer lives.
What happened is A bear decided to drink some beer.
The beer had gone bad so The bear got swine flu turned into a pig and got a purple tongue.
So the bear eventually turned back into a bear using our Swine Flu cure. (I know we are soo awesome)
But, the bear still had the purple tongue.
Being Awesome like we are we made a cure for the purple tongue disease .
Which is eating popcorn, smelling bad smells (like farts), watching retarded Superman movies from the 1800's, and last but not least, Looking at Wolverine's Abs!
Warning, Side affects may include, an obsession for Wolverine's Abs!
Jumping at Beer bottles, dancing with brooms, mild scratching, highly cautioned farting and eating beer bottles and spitting your tongue out.
This is Neko and Teko reporting from the North Pole place with bad beer!
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